As House Republicans pass government funding bills, Wisconsin families face higher housing and energy costs while wealthy tax cheats get another handout

After weeks of gridlock, Congressional Republicans and Speaker Mike Johnson are once again pushing a devastating and extreme agenda forward that hurts families, seniors, and children

Thursday, November 3, 2023

MADISON, Wis. – New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and Congressional Republicans have started pushing forward a dangerous agenda that will hurt Wisconsinites by raising costs while making it easier for wealthy tax cheats to avoid paying their fair share. Here’s a look at where things stand ahead of key government funding votes in the coming days:

  • Last week House Republicans, including Congressmen Bryan Steil and Derrick Van Orden, voted in favor of the Republican-backed Energy and Water Development appropriations bill. This bill cuts billions in energy efficiency programs, which would lead to increased energy costs for Wisconsin families who are already dealing with rising costs. Additionally, the bill strips funding that has helped save thousands of energy industry jobs across the nation.

  • Separately, Speaker Mike Johnson is once again leading the charge to protect wealthy tax cheats and corporations who refuse to pay their fair share of taxes, something Congressmen Bryan Steil and Derrick Van Orden have voted repeatedly to do. Under the new proposal, billions would be cut from IRS programs designed to investigate the worst tax cheats who owe millions to the federal government. These programs are also lowering our deficit, with $160 million in back taxes recovered from millionaires this year alone.

  • In the coming days, House Republicans are expected to vote on additional funding bills,  addressing transportation, housing, and the environment— many of which are expected to contain massive cuts to programs Wisconsinites depend upon. House Republicans, including Congressman Bryan Steil and Derrick Van Orden, previously voted for a temporary funding plan which would’ve forced major cuts to nutrition assistance programs for women, infants, and children, while threatening access to Social Security and rural health care programs.

“Congressmen Byran Steil and Derrick Van Orden continue to support extreme cuts that will raise costs and jeopardize programs that working Wisconsinites and seniors depend on,” said Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh. “While they have no problem asking middle class families to shoulder more of the burden, Republicans in Congress will move mountains to make it easier for wealthy tax cheats and big corporations to avoid paying their fair share. It’s time for Congress to get their priorities straight and put working families first.”
