ICYMI: Op-ed and events highlight Opportunity Wisconsin’s one-year program anniversary

Opportunity Wisconsin is working to raise awareness of economic policies that support working families, and holding Reps. Steil and Van Orden accountable for their records in Congress

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

MADISON, Wis. – In case you missed it, Opportunity Wisconsin is marking the one-year anniversary of its current program this month by outlining our work in an op-ed in Up North News and in-person events around the state.

Opportunity Wisconsin launched its current program in May 2023 to raise awareness of economic policies that support working families in Wisconsin and hold Congressmen Bryan Steil and Derrick Van Orden accountable for their votes in Congress. Working with a coalition of small business owners, seniors, and community leaders across the state, the organization has held roundtable discussions, press conferences, and community events across Wisconsin. 

The group has also communicated directly with Wisconsinites as part of a seven-figure paid media effort, including television and digital ads that highlight Steil and Van Orden’s records and ask them to oppose policies that would make it harder for families and seniors to succeed.

Earlier this month, Opportunity Wisconsin also marked the program’s anniversary by sponsoring a free comedy show in Racine that highlighted current events and economic issues, and co-hosted Politics & Pints Trivia Night in Kenosha. These events, along with organizers in communities around the state, continue to engage more Wisconsinites around these important topics, like protecting Social Security and Medicare, holding big corporations and billionaires accountable, and helping lower costs for families.

More information about Opportunity Wisconsin’s programming and the outstanding questions we have for Congressmen Steil and Van Orden are available in our Up North News op-ed below:

Up North News: Opinion: One year later, Reps. Steil and Van Orden still owe Wisconsinites answers about how they’ll fight for working families
By Meghan Roh, Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director

One year ago Opportunity Wisconsin launched our latest program aimed at holding Congressmen Bryan Steil (R-Janesville) and Derrick Van Orden (R-Prairie du Chien) accountable for their votes in Washington, DC and asking them to fight for working families here in Wisconsin. Since then, we’ve worked with so many passionate advocates and leaders across Wisconsin to hold events, organize, and highlight the importance of policies that help families and seniors succeed – but there are still questions Wisconsinites deserve answers to.

First, let’s look back at what we’ve accomplished over the past year and how, despite gridlock in Congress and seemingly never-ending threats of a government shutdown, we brought people together around key issues.

Shortly after kicking off our program, Congressmen Steil and Van Orden both voted for the Default on America Act (what they called the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023). We highlighted this vote because it would’ve been devastating for Wisconsin families – cuts to veterans’ benefits, reduced access to Social Security and Medicare, slashing food assistance, and so much more.

We continued to highlight the success stories of the Inflation Reduction Act. From thousands of Wisconsinites who are able to more easily afford prescription drugs thanks to the law’s cap on insulin costs to hundreds of new good-paying jobs created, Wisconsinites are already benefiting from this historic legislation.

We’ve also rallied around protecting programs like Social Security and Medicare that support so many Wisconsinites and built spread awareness of proposals like President Biden’s budget, which would make these programs stronger and protect benefits. And we’ve highlighted dangerous tax plans working their way through Congress that would give even more handouts to the wealthy and big corporations, instead of delivering relief to working families.

But now, as our program enters its second year, we still have questions for Congressmen Steil and Van Orden and Wisconsinites still deserve answers:

Why does Congressman Steil continue to oppose capping insulin costs? We’ve seen the success of this cap and have heard from Wisconsinites who previously were forced to ration their prescriptions. But Steil voted against capping insulin costs repeatedly and hasn’t rejected a proposal by the Republican Study Committee, which he’s a member of, that would repeal the Inflation Reduction Act’s cap on costs.

Why are Congressmen Steil and Van Orden still fighting to extend Trump-era tax breaks for those at the top? Both congressmen have co-sponsored legislation that would make certain parts of the Trump-era tax plan permanent. These pieces would continue to prioritize billionaires and big businesses, giving them even more tax breaks while leaving working families and entrepreneurs behind.

Do they support President Biden’s budget, which lowers taxes for working families and helps strengthen Medicare and Social Security? Earlier this year, President Biden introduced his budget proposal which included tax breaks for working families and a plan to strengthen Social Security and Medicare by forcing the wealthy and big corporations to pay their fair share. Both congressmen have been silent on this plan.

We think there should be obvious answers to these questions because our members of Congress should be first in line to support programs that strengthen our economy by putting working families first and holding those at the top accountable. But Congressmen Steil and Van Orden both have records in Congress checkered with votes that fail to do that.

Until we have answers, Opportunity Wisconsin will continue organizing, growing our coalition, and speaking out – we hope you’ll add your voice and learn more at
