New Ad: Extreme Republican demands are pushing us toward a government shutdown

[WATCH] Congressman Derrick Van Orden and Republicans in Congress want to raise costs and threaten access to Social Security and Medicare

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

LA CROSSE, Wis. – Opportunity Wisconsin has launched a new ad highlighting Congressman Derrick Van Orden’s support for the extreme policies that are fueling the possibility of a government shutdown at the end of the month.

Republicans in Congress are demanding devastating budget cuts that will hurt working families in Wisconsin. Their plan would raise costs for Wisconsinites by slashing funding for schools, eliminating hundreds of preschool slots in the state, and gutting affordable housing programs. The Republican proposals would also exacerbate the state’s workforce challenges by eliminating job training and workforce development services for over 4,000 Wisconsin workers. The proposed cuts even slash funding for nutrition assistance for children and families and degrade Medicare and Social Security services with cuts that will increase wait times and make it more difficult for Wisconsinites to access the services they need. If Republicans shut down the government, over 7,400 women, infants, and children in Wisconsin would be at risk of losing access to nutrition assistance programs

“It’s time for Congressman Van Orden to stand up for the working families he’s supposed to represent, instead of standing with his caucus as they demand devastating cuts that will hurt our state,” said Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh. “Shutting down the government just to protect big corporations and the wealthiest Americans is wrong and Wisconsinites expect Congressman Van Orden to speak out against this dangerous plan.”

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Congressman Derrick Van Orden is selling us out, while special interests cash in. He voted for tax breaks for corporations while we pay more. Now he’s willing to stand with his caucus to shut down the government and push through a plan that would raise our costs and threaten access to Social Security and Medicare while protecting the rich and big corporations that cheat on their taxes. Derrick Van Orden should put Wisconsin first. Tell Congressman Van Orden: Don’t shut us down.
