New ad highlights Rep. Van Orden’s plan to slash Social Security and Medicare

WATCH: “I always looked forward to retirement, Derrick Van Orden should not be able to take that away.”

Thursday, August 10, 2023

LA CROSSE, Wis. – Ahead of the 88th anniversary of Social Security next week, a new ad from Opportunity Wisconsin highlights Congressman Derrick Van Orden’s support for a plan that would slash benefits and jeopardize retirement security for Wisconsin seniors.

Click here to watch the ad

“Hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites depend on Social Security to pay their bills and retire with the financial security they’ve earned, but Congressman Derrick Van Orden voted to slash those benefits and make retirement more difficult,” said Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh. “Instead of working to slash benefits that working families have paid into their entire career, Rep. Van Orden needs to start fighting for families and seniors in the Third Congressional District.”

The new ad features Joni, a retired factory worker from Adams, Wisconsin, who depends on Social Security benefits to pay her bills and make ends meet in retirement. Like many Wisconsinites who have paid into Social Security throughout their career, she depends on these payments to afford her home, car, and other essentials.

The ad will begin running on digital platforms in the Third Congressional District this week as part of Opportunity Wisconsin’s previously-announced seven-figure media buy across the state.

Full Transcript:

JONI: I worked in a factory as a machine operator for almost 30 years. You would go home tired, your feet would hurt. It was a long day. I paid into Social Security with every paycheck. Derrick Van Orden’s plan would slash Medicare and Social Security. Social Security pays the majority of my bills. If I were to lose Social Security, I probably wouldn’t be able to afford my home or my car. I always looked forward to retirement, Derrick Van Orden should not be able to take that away.
