New ad highlights Rep. Van Orden’s vote for harmful cuts during last week’s shutdown debate

WATCH: Wisconsin Republicans voted to slash nutrition assistance programs for moms and kids, and cut access to Social Security and Medicare

Friday, October 6, 2023

LA CROSSE, Wis. – In a new ad, Opportunity Wisconsin is reminding Wisconsinites that Congressman Derrick Van Orden voted last Friday for massive cuts that would harm families, seniors, and children. 

While the bill failed to pass, Congressman Van Orden made it clear that he is willing to support massive cuts to programs that many Wisconsinites depend on. Van Orden voted to slash nutrition assistance for women, infants, and children by 30 percent, close Social Security field offices and reduce staffing, cut access to care at Community Health Centers for 2 million Americans, and more.

Congressman Van Orden’s vote comes as his constituents continue speaking out against these extreme policies. In a recently published op-ed, a La Crosse resident wrote, “I don’t believe in asking for more than we deserve. But I believe that every human being should have the opportunity and resources they need to thrive. When Congressman Van Orden threatens the wellbeing of his constituents by supporting these policies, it’s up to us to speak out and demand better from him.”

“Wisconsinites are tired of elected officials who put special interests and big corporations ahead of them, but that’s exactly what Congressman Van Orden did by voting for these harmful cuts,” said Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh. “When you rip food assistance away from mothers and children in need, without asking those at the top to pay their fair share, Wisconsinites are going to notice and demand better.”

The new ad will begin running on digital platforms in the Third Congressional District today as part of Opportunity Wisconsin’s previously-announced seven-figure paid media campaign.

Full Transcript: Congressman Derrick Van Orden is selling us out, while special interests cash in. He voted for tax breaks for corporations while we pay more. Now he stood with his caucus and voted to raise our costs, take away food from moms and kids, and cut access to Social Security and Medicare. Derrick Van Orden should put Wisconsin first. Tell Congressman Van Orden: Say no to harmful cuts for hard working Wisconsinites. Say no to a government shutdown.
