Rep. Bryan Steil’s vote to keep gas prices high featured in new Opportunity Wisconsin TV ad

WATCH: “Bryan Steil had a chance to vote to save us money, and he didn’t, he went with the oil companies. We’re the ones who are paying the price.”

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

RACINE, Wis. – Wisconsinites are speaking out against Congressman Bryan Steil’s vote to keep gas prices high in a new TV ad on the air this week from Opportunity Wisconsin.

While Wisconsinites are struggling with rising costs, Rep. Steil’s votes in Congress have protected oil and gas companies instead of working families. In addition to supporting massive tax breaks for these companies, Steil even voted for a bill that would let oil and gas companies continue price gouging consumers.

The ad features Michael and Jerre, from Delavan, Wisconsin, discussing the impact of these votes on their daily lives. According to Michael, “Gas prices are a huge issue for us. Before we drive to see our kids, before we go to town for groceries, it adds up.” Jerre adds, “Bryan Steil had a chance to vote to save us money, and he didn’t, he went with the oil companies. We’re the ones who are paying the price.”

“Wisconsinites like Michael and Jerre expect Congressman Bryan Steil to fight for them in Congress. Instead, they’ve watched him continually vote to support corporations and those at the top, while leaving working families and seniors behind,” said Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh. “Whether it’s voting to keep gas prices high or cutting access  to Social Security and Medicare, Congressman Steil has made his priorities clear.”

This new ad is part of a previously announced seven-figure media buy from Opportunity Wisconsin and began airing this week in the Milwaukee market. Previous Opportunity Wisconsin ads in the First Congressional District have held Rep. Steil accountable for his dangerous record on Social Security and Medicare, and support for tax breaks for big corporations and the wealthy.

Full Transcript:

Michael: Gas prices are a huge issue for us. Before we drive to see our kids, before we go to town for groceries, it adds up. 

Jerre: We all know the oil companies are ripping us off, but Bryan Steil voted to allow gas and oil companies to keep price gouging. 

Michael: And he just voted to give oil companies a huge tax break. 

Jerre: Bryan Steil had a chance to vote to save us money, and he didn’t, he went with the oil companies. We’re the ones who are paying the price.
