Reps. Steil and Van Orden’s massive tax breaks for big corporations and the wealthy are driving up the nation’s deficit

October 12, 2023

After years of disastrous Republican policies, Wisconsin Republicans have voted for even more handouts for those at the top

MADISON, Wis. – Republican Congressmen, including Reps. Bryan Steil and Derrick Van Orden have supported massive tax breaks for the wealthy and big corporations, which according to a new report are responsible for driving up the nation’s deficit.

Here’s how Congressmen Bryan Steil and Derrick Van Orden have worked to increase our nation’s deficit:

Background on Rep. Bryan Steil’s Support for Big Corporations and the Wealthiest Americans

Background on Rep. Derrick Van Orden’s Support for Big Corporations and the Wealthiest Americans

  • Rep. Van Orden opposed the Inflation Reduction Act and voted to repeal IRS funding which is helping hold big corporations and wealthy tax cheats accountable. Van Orden’s vote would have made it easier for them to continue to avoid paying their fair share.

  • Earlier this year, Rep. Van Orden voted to give a massive tax cut to big oil companies, which would’ve added to our deficit.

“Congressmen Bryan Steil and Derrick Van Orden have voted for disastrous policies that would harm Wisconsinites while wealthy tax cheats are protected and big corporations are rewarded with massive tax breaks,” said Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh. “It’s time for our congressmen to fight for responsible policies that reduce our deficit by forcing those at the top to pay their fair share.”
