Statement on Rep. Bryan Steil’s vote for Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House

Congressmen Steil and Jordan will work together to increase costs, jeopardize Social Security, and pass huge tax cuts for the rich and big corporations

October 17, 2023

RACINE, Wis. – Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh released the following statement in response to Congressman Bryan Steil’s vote for Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House: 

“Congressman Steil’s vote to elect Jim Jordan as the next Speaker of the House is a vote for a dangerous agenda that will hurt Wisconsin families and roll out the red carpet for the wealthy and big corporations. Congressmen Steil and Jordan are teaming up to advance disastrous policies including increasing the Social Security retirement age, extending Trump-era tax giveaways to those at the top, and raising costs for working families and seniors here in Wisconsin. Congressman Steil’s support for Jim Jordan shows he will continue to work against his constituents who have demanded better.”

Background on Congressman Jim Jordan’s record:

  • Jordan voted to raise the Social Security Retirement age to 70 as part of the FY 2016 Republican Study Committee Budget Resolution. Steil is currently a member of the Republican Study Committee, which included an increase in the retirement age in its latest budget proposal.

  • Steil and Jordan both co-sponsored legislation which would make Trump-era tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations permanent, adding to our deficit and leaving working families behind.

  • Steil and Jordan both voted against the Inflation Reduction Act, which is already providing relief to Wisconsinites by capping insulin costs at $35 and investing in our communities. 

  • Last month both Steil and Jordan voted for a disastrous continuing resolution that would raise costs of housing, home heating, food, and health care. If passed, this resolution would have slashed food assistance programs for Wisconsin women, children, and seniors.
