This Groundhog Day, how many more weeks will Congress try to pass harmful cuts?

With the House only in session 10 days before the next government funding deadline, Reps. Steil and Van Orden must reject new attempts to pass cuts to critical programs

Friday, February 2, 2024

PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. – It’s Groundhog Day, and if the cycle of Republicans in Congress introducing spending packages laden with harmful cuts has gotten as repetitive as Bill Murray’s life in the 1993 classic, we’ve got bad news for you: There are just 10 legislative session days left before the next government funding deadline.

That’s right. Congress has spent months failing to pass spending packages, largely because House Republicans’ proposals have contained harmful cuts that would raise costs and jeopardize access to benefits for many Wisconsinites. With time running out to pass appropriations bills ahead of the March deadlines, it’s more important than ever that our Congressional delegation oppose proposals that include cuts to programs that working families depend on. 

“This is a familiar story by now: Republicans like Congressmen Steil and Van Orden vote for harmful cuts, the appropriations bills fail to pass through Congress, and we kick the can down the road. Groundhog Day is a perfect opportunity for our members of Congress to see the light and start fighting for the working families and seniors they represent. That means rejecting cuts that would make it tougher for their constituents to succeed, and starting to work on ways to lower prescription drug costs, protect Social Security and Medicare, and help families keep more money in their pockets,” said Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh. “It’s time to break this cycle and finally support our neighbors across Wisconsin who expect their elected officials to look out for them.”
