Valentine’s Day ads ask Rep. Derrick Van Orden: “Make Wisconsin workers your valentine, not corporations”

New Opportunity Wisconsin print and digital ads tell Van Orden to lower costs for workers and hold corporations and wealthy tax cheats accountable

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

LA CROSSE, Wis. – This Valentine’s Day, Opportunity Wisconsin is asking Congressman Derrick Van Orden to lower costs for workers and hold corporations and wealthy tax cheats accountable in full page newspaper and digital ads across the Third Congressional District.

The ads highlight Rep. Van Orden’s previous votes to protect the ultra-rich and big corporations. Rep. Van Orden opposed the Inflation Reduction Act and voted to repeal funding which is already helping hold big corporations and wealthy tax cheats accountable. Van Orden’s vote would have made it easier for them to continue to avoid paying their fair share. Last year, Rep. Van Orden also voted to give a massive tax cut to big oil companies.

Now, there’s a bill in Congress, H.R. 812, that would fully repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, which would take away key provisions that are lowering costs and holding those at the top accountable. 

“We hope Congressman Van Orden will have a change of heart this Valentine’s Day and look out for Wisconsin workers,” said Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh. “For too long, he has voted for tax breaks for big corporations and to make it easier for wealthy tax cheats to avoid paying their fair share. While we’ve made progress to lower costs and hold the ultra-rich accountable thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, Republicans in Congress continue to propose a heartbreaking repeal of these reforms. We hope Congressman Van Orden will start putting his constituents first, not corporations.”
