WATCH: New ad asks Rep. Van Orden to protect Social Security and stand up to big corporations

Wisconsinites speak out on Social Security as bills in Congress threaten their hard-earned benefits

Monday, February 19, 2024

LA CROSSE, Wis. – In a new ad from Opportunity Wisconsin, Congressman Derrick Van Orden’s constituents are speaking out about a proposal that could slash Social Security and Medicare benefits and asking the congressman to start standing up to big corporations.

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The ad features Joni and Andrew, who live in the Third Congressional District, discussing their experience paying into Social Security throughout their careers. They highlight a bill introduced by Van Orden last year which budget experts say could force programs like Social Security and Medicare to make drastic cuts. 

Republicans in Congress are also currently advancing a bill which would create a so-called “fiscal commission” that could fast-track cutting federal programs, including Social Security. Van Orden should oppose this plan.

“Wisconsinites work hard and expect Social Security to be there for them when they retire, but Congressman Van Orden’s plan would jeopardize these benefits for future generations,” said Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh. “While proposing legislation that could result in harmful cuts to programs like Social Security and Medicare, Congressman Van Orden has continued to vote in favor of tax breaks for big corporations and the wealthiest Americans. It’s time for him to listen to his constituents and support economic policies that help them succeed.”

This digital ad will begin running today across the Third Congressional District and is part of a previously-announced seven-figure paid media campaign across the state.

Full Transcript:

Joni: I spent almost 30 years on my feet working hard at the factory. I paid into Social Security with every paycheck.

Andrew: I’ve been paying into Social Security since I was 16 years old. It blows my mind that Derrick Van Orden would make it harder for workers like me.

Joni: Derrick Van Orden’s plan would slash Medicare and Social Security. But Van Orden voted for huge tax breaks for corporations.

Andrew: It just doesn’t make sense to me. Derrick Van Orden should be helping us and not siding with large corporations.
