House passes final FY24 funding package without harmful cuts to programs Wisconsinites depend on

Democrats secure increased funding for child care, Head Start, and programs to support small businesses and workers

Friday, March 22, 2024

MADISON, Wis. – Opportunity Wisconsin Deputy Program Director Elisabeth Montemurro released the following statement after the House passed the final government appropriations package to cover FY24 spending:

“After six months of gridlock and inaction caused by harmful, Republican-backed proposals, the House has finally passed the remaining funding packages to cover the current fiscal year. Thankfully, these proposals abandon many of the dangerous cuts Republicans in Congress have tried to push through, including restricting access to Social Security and Medicare benefits and slashing food assistance programs for women, children, and seniors. The funding passed by the House today will help make meaningful investments in child care and Head Start programs, fund programs to support small businesses and job training, and strengthen public education programs. Congress now has the opportunity to build on these investments by supporting President Biden’s recent budget proposal, which will continue to lower costs, improve access to health care, and support working families.”
