New TV ad asks Rep. Bryan Steil to support an expanded cap on insulin costs

Steil has voted against multiple bills to cap insulin costs as the Biden administration introduces a plan to expand the $35 insulin cap to everyone

Monday, March 25, 2024

KENOSHA, Wis. – Opportunity Wisconsin’s latest TV ad asks Congressman Byran Steil to support the Biden administration’s recent proposal to expand the Inflation Reduction Act’s $35 cap on monthly insulin costs to all Americans.

The ad features Diana, a 1st Congressional District constituent, who has previously had to skip insulin doses due to the high cost of her prescription. In Congress, Rep. Bryan Steil has opposed lowering prescription drug prices, including voting against the Inflation Reduction Act which capped monthly insulin costs and created an annual cap on out-of-pocket prescription costs for people on Medicare. Steil previously voted against the Affordable Insulin Now Act, which was written specifically to cap insulin costs. Since insulin costs were capped, more Wisconsinites have already begun to fill prescriptions.

In his State of the Union address and FY 2025 budget, President Biden proposed an expansion of the Inflation Reduction Act which would extend many of the drug price protections to all Americans, instead of only those with Medicare coverage. 

“Although Congressman Bryan Steil has spent years voting against lowering insulin costs, the Inflation Reduction Act has proven that these caps are successful. Now, he has the opportunity to do the right thing and support President Biden’s proposal to lower prescription drug prices for even more Americans,” said Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh.

The ad began airing Monday as part of Opportunity Wisconsin’s previously announced seven-figure paid media campaign. 

Ad Transcript: “Insulin used to cost hundreds of dollars. I didn't take the amount that I was supposed to take because I couldn't afford it. Finally, Congress did something. Insulin prices were capped at $35 for seniors on Medicare. It was a huge relief but Bryan Steil voted to keep the price high. He sided with the drug industry. Now he wants more tax breaks that would benefit rich drug company executives. I don't think Bryan Steil cares if we pay more.”
