ICYMI: Rep. Van Orden: “look at what we’ve accomplished. The answer is nothing.”

Congressman says the quiet part out loud as he reflects on his first year in office

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

LA CROSSE, Wis. – In case you missed it, Congressman Derrick Van Orden reflected on the work of the 118th Congress in Punchbowl News this morning. Revealing how he really feels about the record of Congressional Republicans after his first year in office, Van Orden said, “look at what we’ve accomplished. The answer is nothing.”

Van Orden’s comments come just weeks after Opportunity Wisconsin delivered a book filled with blank pages to the congressman’s La Crosse office highlighting his accomplishments for working families, or lack thereof, during his first year in office. 

“We appreciate that Congressman Van Orden apparently took time to read our book, reflect on his first year in Congress, and agree that he has failed to deliver anything for working families and seniors here in Wisconsin,” said Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh. “The reality though, is that Van Orden has actually spent the past year embracing harmful cuts that would actually make it more difficult for his constituents to get ahead. While these bills thankfully weren’t signed into law, he voted to cut access to Social Security benefits, threatened nutrition assistance for Wisconsin children and families, and continued to prioritize big corporations and the wealthiest Americans. With Congress set to vote on government funding packages in the coming weeks, Rep. Van Orden will have the opportunity to finally reject harmful cuts that would jeopardize critical programs that working families rely on.”
