Statement on passage of new continuing resolution

As Republicans continue to delay funding packages, Wisconsinites must demand no cuts to crucial programs

Thursday, January 18, 2023

MADISON, Wis. – Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh released the following statement following House passage of the latest continuing resolution which sets new government funding deadlines in March:

“With yet another extension in government funding deadlines, Republicans in Congress like Reps. Bryan Steil and Derrick Van Orden have an opportunity to finally stand up and reject harmful cuts to programs their constituents depend on. Ahead of a similar deadline last fall, both Steil and Van Orden voted to raise costs for Wisconsin families by gutting food assistance programs for children, their mothers, and seniors. They’ve also voted for funding packages that cut access to Social Security benefits, threaten teaching positions, reduce child care access, and more. With six weeks left to pass additional appropriations bills and keep the government open, Republicans have an opportunity to start fighting for working families and seniors. Wisconsinites are watching and we expect Congressmen Steil and Van Orden to oppose harmful cuts that jeopardize important programs, raise costs, and make it harder for families to succeed.”
