One Year Ago Today: Reps. Steil and Van Orden’s first vote in the 118th Congress to protect wealthy tax cheats by repealing key IRA provision

Steil and Van Orden have voted multiple times to repeal funding that has already helped recover $160 million in delinquent taxes from wealthy individuals and big corporations

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

MADISON, Wis. – One year ago today, Congressmen Bryan Steil and Derrick Van Orden took their first of many votes in the 118th Congress in favor of repealing funding from the Inflation Reduction Act designed to hold wealthy tax cheats and big corporations accountable for not paying their fair share.

On January 9th, 2023 Congressional Republicans took one of their first votes of the year in favor of removing Inflation Reduction Act funding designed to increase enforcement and ensure those at the top pay their taxes. As of October of last year, these increased efforts had already recovered $160 million from wealthy tax evaders, including 175 delinquent tax cases for millionaires. This wasn’t the only vote Steil and Van Orden took to protect wealthy tax cheats last year. They voted to do so three more times, and several of House Republicans' appropriations bills would rescind this Inflation Reduction Act funding, too.

“While working families and small business owners pay their fair share and play by the rules, too many big corporations and wealthy individuals have refused to do the same,” said Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh. “Last year Congressmen Steil and Van Orden voted multiple times to make it easier for wealthy tax cheats to avoid paying what they owe. Wisconsinites believe in fairness, but Steil and Van Orden’s votes would let those at the top continue playing by a different set of rules, while the rest of us shoulder the burden. It’s time for our members of Congress to start fighting for working families instead of prioritizing the ultra-wealthy and big corporations.”
