WATCH: New ads highlight Reps. Steil and Van Orden working against families and seniors, while pushing for handouts to big corporations

Opportunity Wisconsin kicks off 2024 with continued seven-figure paid media campaign asking Wisconsin Congressmen to fight for their constituents and oppose harmful policies

Wednesday, January 10, 2023

MADISON, Wis. – Opportunity Wisconsin, a grassroots coalition advocating for policies that support working families and seniors in the state, has launched two new ads calling on Congressmen Bryan Steil and Derrick Van Orden to oppose harmful policies instead of voting to support large corporations.

“Congressmen Bryan Steil and Derrick Van Orden need to start fighting for working families here in Wisconsin, not prioritizing tax breaks for large corporations and the wealthiest Americans,” said Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh. “As they return to Washington this week, and with critical government funding deadlines just weeks away, it’s crucial that our congressmen oppose harmful cuts that will hurt Wisconsin families, our seniors, and weaken our economy.”

In Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District, a new TV ad features Jim, a Navy veteran from Racine, who is concerned about Rep. Bryan Steil’s ties to a group pushing devastating cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Steil is a member of the extreme Republican Study Committee, which has proposed a federal budget which would cut $718 billion from Social Security, raise the retirement age, and more. 

Opportunity Wisconsin also released a new digital ad in Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District highlighting Rep. Derrick Van Orden’s support for additional tax cuts for large corporations. Darin, a third generation dairy farmer from La Crosse, highlights the challenges facing family farmers in Wisconsin who play by the rules while Van Orden prioritizes large corporations instead. 

These ads are part of Opportunity Wisconsin’s previously-announced seven-figure paid media campaign across the state, which includes TV, digital, radio, and direct mail. Wisconsinites can view these ads and contact their members of Congress about these critical issues by visiting Opportunity Wisconsin’s advocacy hub here.

Full Transcript “Jim”:

I’m a U.S. Naval veteran and I worked as a millwright down the road here. I paid into Social Security and Medicare for 60 years. Bryan Steil is part of a group that wants to cut Social Security and Medicare, that would be devastating. And Bryan Steil is pushing huge tax breaks for wealthy corporations. I earned my Social Security and Medicare benefits. Not given, not entitled, earned. Bryan Steil has no business touching them.

Full Transcript “Darin”:

I was born and raised in farming, so I’m a third generation dairy farmer. You know, we’re seeing dairy farms go out of business every day here in the state of Wisconsin. Derrick Van Orden is not looking out for us. He voted for tax cuts for large corporations that don’t even need them. It’s not right that those of us that play by the rules get left behind. Derrick Van Orden shouldn’t be able to throw away our future while siding with large corporations. We deserve better.
