Rep. Van Orden remains silent as Republicans propose $50 billion in Farm Bill cuts

With the Farm Bill expired, Wisconsin farmers are speaking out about Van Orden’s inaction

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

LA CROSSE, Wis. – Congressman Derrick Van Orden has failed to condemn a Republican proposal that includes $50 billion in cuts to the next version of the Farm Bill.

Van Orden, who serves on the House Committee on Agriculture, has failed to issue any statement on Farm Bill negotiations as Wisconsin farmers and producers are left without the ability to plan for the coming year. Under the latest Republican proposal, the next Farm Bill would include $50 billion in cuts and clawbacks, largely targeted at conservation and nutrition programs that farmers and families depend on. 

In a recent op-ed in the Cap Times, Darin Von Ruden, a third-generation Wisconsin dairy farmer, highlighted Rep. Van Orden’s record of ignoring the needs of Wisconsin farmers and inaction on a new Farm Bill. “We need a Farm Bill that looks out for smaller farmers and cracks down on the unwarranted expansion of the largest operations,” Von Ruden wrote. “The truth is, the greed and blind pursuit of capitalism is making it harder for producers here in the Third District. But despite raising these concerns with Van Orden’s office, he hasn’t included amendments to help small farms in the Farm Bill and hasn’t stood up to the big corporations who are using the current policies to put family farms out of business.”

“Wisconsin farmers and producers need a new Farm Bill and stability to be successful, but Congressman Derrick Van Orden doesn’t seem interested in helping them,” said Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh. “Passing a new Farm Bill that supports family farmers in Wisconsin is essential for supporting our economy and giving working families the opportunity to succeed. It’s time for Rep. Van Orden to start fighting for Wisconsin’s farm families.”
