Statement on Wisconsin Republicans’ support for Rep. Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House

Congressmen Steil and Van Orden back Johnson’s extreme record of support for raising costs, slashing Social Security and Medicare, and giving massive tax breaks the the wealthy and big corporations

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

MADISON, Wis. – Opportunity Wisconsin Program Director Meghan Roh released the following statement in response to Congressmen Bryan Steil and Derrick Van Orden’s support for Mike Johnson as the next Speaker of the House. Steil voted for Johnson’s election as Speaker this afternoon, and Van Orden tweeted his support while he was absent from today’s vote.

“Congressman Mike Johnson’s record in Congress illustrates the extreme agenda he will push for as Speaker of the House. Despite Rep. Johnson’s support for slashing Social Security and Medicare benefits, tax giveaways to big corporations and the wealthy, and votes to increase costs, Wisconsin Republicans including Congressmen Byran Steil and Derrick Van Orden are standing by him. By trusting Mike Johnson to lead the House, Steil and Van Orden are signing on to these disastrous policies and refusing to fight for working families, seniors, and children here in Wisconsin.”

Background on Congressman Mike Johnson’s record:

  • Johnson chaired the extreme Republican Study Committee (RSC) in 2019-2021. Under his watch the RSC budget proposed raising the Social Security and Medicare eligibility age and slashing benefits for each program.

  • In 2017 Johnson also voted for the FY 2018 RSC budget resolution, which called for increasing the Social Security Retirement age to 69 and making major changes to Medicare benefits. According to the Associated Press, “The 2018 House GOP budget reprises a controversial plan to turn Medicare into a voucher-like program for future retirees as well as the party’s efforts to repeal the ‘Obamacare’ health law.”

  • Johnson voted for massive Trump-era tax handouts for big corporations and the wealthiest Americans and has co-sponsored legislation to make cuts permanent, which would balloon the nation’s deficit.

  • Johnson has voted multiple times against lowering health care costs. Like Reps. Steil and Van Orden, he opposed the Inflation Reduction Act, which capped insulin costs at $35. Johnson also joined Rep. Steil in voting against the Affordable Insulin Now Act, which was designed specifically to cap insulin costs.

  • Last month Johnson, along with Reps. Steil and Van Orden, voted for a disastrous continuing resolution that would raise costs of housing, home heating, food, and health care. If passed, this resolution would have slashed food assistance programs for Wisconsin women, children, and seniors.
